Thursday, January 28, 2010

On the move.

Scott left home 2 1/2 weeks ago to go to Utah for training. He passed everything with flying colors and is now on the road hauling loads. He has a trainer with him and he'll stay with him for 28 days. I talked to him yesterday and he was loading his personal things on the truck and waiting to hear when they would be leaving. Then a few hours later I got a text from him that said "hi from Wyoming". I got this tingly anxious feeling deep down in my stomach when I read it. Part of the reason for it was because I instantly got worried. That's what I do...I worry. He's going on the road to places he's never even heard of before for a month with a person he knows nothing about. But, then again I got excited for him. I admit I was a little jealous. I secretly wanted to be with him. To be able to see the beautiful places that he will see. I hope he enjoys it. I WILL be taking some trips with him when he's on his own. That will be fun! So, today I'm happy for him. I wonder where he'll be when I talk to him next.

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