Monday, January 11, 2010

Day two.

Last night was difficult because it was so odd not having him home. I had very little time to get everything ready for today so I felt like a chicken with my head cut off. I hate working weekends. Normally, I would have Scott to do the simple things like tending to Sarah or helping Jonah with his homework or getting Sarah to sleep. I had a moment where I thought I was going to have a small breakdown when I was moving some of his things around. His jacket was still hanging on the chair. His shoes were still in the kitchen where he leaves them for the next day. His hat with his change in it was still on the microwave and his pajamas were still on the bed where he had left them just that morning. It was like he had just gone to work, but will be back soon. And I guess in the grand scheme of things that's really what he's doing. He's just gone to work. It's not like he's left for war. Thank goodness for that. I have much respect for military wives. I'd like to think I'd be strong enough to handle that, but since I'm struggling with a 4-6 week separation I'm not so sure I could. I know it's only temporary and it's the right thing to do. I just wish he was closer to home. He feels so far away. At least Scott is in good spirits. He's always been really good at reassuring me and showing me the positive side of things. I tend to dwell on the negative. That's a bad habit that I am trying my best to break.

So, anyway. About today. I've spoken to him already this morning. It made my morning a little a brighter to get a text from him earlier that I thought I would. He had a good night's sleep and is ready to get this thing started so he can come home. AMEN to that! He is feeling good about this and I've spoken to people in the business and have been told that it will be hard, but if it's only temporary than stick it out because the money's good. Lord knows we need the money. So, we'll just push through this year and hopefully this time next year he'll be on a local route and home EVERY night. I must admit I am a little jealous of the fact that he's going to get to see a lot of beautiful places. I can ride with him, though. Maybe if he has a short run I can hop on up in the truck and spend some extra time with him on the road. It might be pretty neat. We bought him a digital camera to document all the places he gets to go to. So, we'll all get to see where's he been. I'm going to try to have a good outlook on this and be positive, but I'm sure I will have my moments of doubt and worry. But for's all good.

The pictures posted above are of the day he left. The sunrise is over Atlanta and the rest are the mountains of Colorado and Utah (I think). Beautiful!

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