Monday, January 18, 2010

It's Monday already.

Well, I made it through the weekend. It was nice. Not as relaxing as I wanted it to be, but better than what I'm used to. I guess my need to rest is not that important to others. I know they mean well, but come on. I just want some peace. I want to stay in my pj's and lay on the couch at least one whole day this month. That is my goal. I want to be left alone for at least 12 hours. I don't think that's too much to ask is it? I don't want visitors or anyone asking me to do something. Nothing is my favorite word today. I am working to reach the potential of that word. Sad, huh?

On a much lighter note....Scott did really well driving today. He said he did so good that he got to drive on the interstate. I guess that means they trust him enough to put him in a really large truck around innocent drivers. I'm so proud! I must admit that a piece of me wants him to hate it and come home, but the rest of me wants him to do really well and like it. Who wants to do something you hate? Not me! Plus, I'm hoping that the money will be as good as we hope and I can go part time and maybe even quit work all together this year. YAY! Until then I must continue to kill myself on a daily basis. Small price to pay right? I am hoping that he will get to come home for a day or two within the next few weeks. I can't wait. I need his hugs....*sigh*

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