Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Whew! What a night!

Let me just say that I'm EXHAUSTED! Last night was horrible. Sarah fell asleep sometime between 7:30 and 8pm. So, when I decided to go to bed at 9:30 she woke up. I fought with her most of the night. I finally put her in the bed with me and Jonah. She tossed and turned for hours. Then when my alarm clock went off at 4am she decided to wake up as well. Wide awake. There was no getting her back to sleep. I had to take her to the bathroom with me and sit her in the floor while I took a 5 minute shower with the curtain half closed, freezing, and water going everywhere. She cried the whole time I was in the shower. She got a little happier when I got out. I sat her on the counter, wedged her in the corner where she wouldn't fall, so I could brush my teeth, brush my hair, and put on deodorant and mascara. No beauty queen today! I then had to gather up all my clothes, shoes, jewelry, lotion, basically everything I needed to get ready and took it all to her room so I wouldn't wake Jonah up. I got us both dressed and out the door by 5am. I know I could've woke my Mom up to help, but Sarah probably would've cried anyway. So, I just did it. This is the third night of having no more than 3 hours of sleep. Something's gotta give. I need Scott so bad. Normally on a night like that one of us could tend to her while the other slept. I miss him. Three days down and only about 30 or so to go!

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