Sunday, February 7, 2010


I am finally going to get to see Scott. He's been gone since January 11th. I feel like I haven't seen him in an eternity. I know it will get easier. I just have to get used to it and that takes time. It probably wouldn't be so hard if Sarah wasn't sick. She has asthma and maybe even another bout of RSV. The Dr. called it a lower respiratory infection "like" RSV. But, since she had it so bad at the first of the year she's prone to respiratory infections and could wheeze for up to a year. But, for now she's being treated for asthma. Whatever it's bad. I think she is feeling some better today, but I wish she could feel "good". I'm not so sure she really knows what it's like to feel "good". Poor baby. Well, she'll be happy to see her daddy! I know she remembers him and will be glad to see him. Every time my phone rings, regardless of who's calling, she says "hey daddy". I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees him.

Anyway...back to the subject. Scott's in Missouri right now and will be bringing a load to Atlanta. They will drive right through Birmingham but won't have time to stop. So, We are going to Atlanta to spend a few hours with him there. It's soooo worth it for just a few hours. At this point I'll take what I can get. I need to see him, to hug him, and feel him. I think it will re-energize me. I think it will do the same for him. He needs to see me and the kids. I talked to him on Skype yesterday and it was the first time we both cried when we said goodbye in a while. So, I know it's time to see each other. When he gets done with training he will have been gone a little over 2 months. I know to most that doesn't seem like a long time, but it's an eternity when you've never been apart and you have a very sick child. I realize I took for granted all the help he gave me. I used to fuss about not getting enough help from him. Scott, if you're reading this...I'm sorry! I won't take you for granted anymore. What I would give to have his help now.

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